Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What do you do to keep your dog from jumping on people?

He does not bite or anything, He just likes to jump up on them. The Jehovah's Witness lady came one day and he jumped on her and put a run it what looked like new nylons. We have a nurse that comes regularly, one will play with him and he kind of chased one once. He wants attention. How do you keep him from jumping though? A humane way. No kicking or bopping or anything like that. There has to be someway gentle like. Thank you.. TomWhat do you do to keep your dog from jumping on people?
I have found that using a squirt bottle helps. Say no and squirt the dog. It doesn't hurt the animal, and seems to get their attention.What do you do to keep your dog from jumping on people?
It is hard to describe how to do this in words. If you have ever watched Dog Whisperer with Caesar Milan you will know how. You must be the pack leader, show you are the controlling party. How he does this with dogs that jump is he makes them sit before answering the door. Then if the dog tries to move you just come between the dog and the guest, give attention to dog not guest and make a tsss sound and say sit. Keep practicing this until the dog stays and sits without you having to come between him and the guest, then give the dog a treat. It really is hard to explain on here, but if you can watch an episode or two of Dog Whisperer on National Geographics he really portrays these tricks well and they really do work. best of luck
You can try having people turn away from your dog when he does this and not give him any attention until he settles down. This is very difficult to do since lots of guests can't resist giving dogs attention but if you continue to work at it he will learn that bad behavior does not get rewarded. You can also try a no jump harness everytime u know someones coming over at first so you're in control of him and once again when he settles down then give him attention
Get people you know and work with him on this daily.

Put him on a leash. When someone comes through the door, hold his leash so he cannot approach the person. While he is calm, give him occasional treats. Then let the person approach him and pet him and possibly give him a treat. Don't give him enough leash to be able to jump up. Make sure the person only pets him when he is calm. When the dog does jump up, have the person turn around and ignore the dog for a few seconds. Then turn around again. If the dog dosen't jump, then praise him. If the dog does jump, then repeat the turning around. The dog will begin to associate the calmness with the attention he desires, instead of the jumping.

Just remember to be patient. And do this over and over again. He may learn quicly, or it may take a while. Don't give up. And even when he does learn, give him refersher courses every so often.

And if you don't want him to jump on others, don't let him jump on you, either, that is just confusing fot the dog.

You will have to teach him by using the ignore technique. You cross your arms and turn your back to him anytime he jumps, do not look at him or make any gestures or noises. If he comes to the front of you turn and give him your back again. This will take time and patience but it will work. As for the people that come into the house they will need to use the same technique, if you use too many different techniques the dog will not understand what he is supposed to be doing when. Good luck
A strong (not physical) leader will be able to control his/her dog with ';sit';, ';stay';. Work on those commands %26amp; work on the way you deliver them to your dog. Do you stand tall? Are you calm %26amp; assertive? Treat him when he listens. Also, until he is trained to obey you, I would suggest having him on a leash whenever you know visitors are coming. I would have a leash readily available by the door so you can hook him up when someone unexpected knocks on the door. Your dog must always obey %26amp; be controlled by you. Never allow your dog to win a battle because you didn't have time to make him comply. This just makes him the leader.
I'm embarrassed to say my Chocolate Lab has the habit of the character in Winnie the Pooh, his name is Tigger. This character loves to bounce up and down in front and beside people, and I can't train him to stop bouncing and barking like that. Then he will get his muddy paws all over the guest's clothes, these behaviors appear to be his natural characteristics. As for the JWs I couldn't stop this crazy mut from doing all these things to them, but it is no wonder why they were gone for three years and never came back...LOL!
Our dog did that too actually, and hes a huge dog, so it actually hurt sometimes when he jumped up. What we started to do what just push down on his head to push him back to the floor and say NO. DOWN. in a very firm voice. Make sure you make eye contact with him. After a little while of this he got it and doesn't jump up on anyone!
I saw a tutorial that said to train the dog by using this method:

When the dog jumps up just hold his front paws till it uncomfortable and then release. Keep doing this and it will stop jumping up on people.

Worked for me and not cruel at all.
Hi Just clap your hands and shot barr?

Hi Just clap your hands and shot barr as if you mean it! hope this helps
You and your guests need to gently knee your dog while say ';at'; they will get the drift and stop
get a bottle full of vinegar water and spray the dog when doing wrong

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