Sunday, November 21, 2010

Maltese info please :)?

I have a pure-bred maltese, she is all white with big brown eyes and a black nose but we keep her hair cut. For some reason she is very difficult to house train, and my mom is hounding me about it. We have all carpet floors except for the kitchen(really nice tile) and the bathrooms(same.) Oh, also the washerroom. :) My mom paid alot for the carpets, and we live in a house we moved in last year, so she says she can't have my dog peeing and pooping on the carpets. Therefore, she is forced to stay in the garage(not locked up, but in the garage) or outside. I hate to see my sweet maltese this way, but let me tell you something. In hot, humid, gnat-happy Savannah, Gerorgia, it's harder than to not be cold in Chicago to come outside all day long and play with your dog. Also, when my dog IS inside, she can't stop chasing everything and running around and hiding. I know it's just her playing, but my mom says she might pee or swallow one of my brothers toys(he's five, so all his toys are either small or huge. Mostly small.) I like to play with Shiki(Shee-Kee. We call her that, but her name is Ashikiyoko. It's Japanese for a colorful injustice. My sister has a website of the same name, We usually call her Shiki or Ashiki. My father says she's deaf, but I don't think so. Every time we go to the vet she passes the hearing tests, and when she's sitting down relaxing, I'll come behind her and slam down a book and she'll jump up, looking around. But my father whistled and she just looked around, not turning around. And then he made the kissy noise which he said all dogs respond to, and she still looked around lazily. I told him that he knew Shiki was lazy and likes to play crazy, but she has good sense. He says he knows animals, and I said 'you know more than the doctors?' Anyways, I'm thinking about taking her to the local dog park and have her socialize. Will this be a good idea? (I know I'm not supposed to be on here since I'm only 11, but I had to ask these questions! Besides, I know 7 year olds who work computers and get on here.) Like I said, I'm 11, and I know I'll be able to control my 3 and a half pound dog, but it's the bigger, older dogs I'm afraid of. I'm not scared of dogs, I just got bit by a huge-behind dog once and I've been weary. So, how do you think I should handle this? And what games do maltese like to play, cause I want to play with her more often. I know it's long and I probably bored you, but I love Shiki(it's not such a weird name when you get used to it, and I think it's kinda cute) and I want her to have a happy, long life.

P.S. My sis lied and said it meant Lovely Dreams in Japanese, because she just made it up. Now I have a pure white dog whos name means a colorful injustice. Anyone see the humor in that? Please answer all my woes!Maltese info please :)?
Overview, personality, care, feeding are some of the topics explained here,

If you need more information about dogs, here's the website, info please :)?
The stunning Maltese coat is pure white, silky, and straight, reaching all the way to the ground. Maltese can be difficult to housetrain. Crate training is recommended. Here's more info:
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