First of all, if you are clean freaks please don't bother getting one dog let alone two! You'll just end up banishing them to the backyard, never to be touched cause they're dirty or just given away or taken to the pound. I've known too many clean freaks and NONE of them kept their dogs!
You can not wash a dog every day. You can not wash your dog once a week. You must use a good flea product, like frontline and you must treat your yard. But remember, when you treat the yard, your dogs can't be outside until the poison has soaked into the ground. What are you going to do when it's raining and muddy outside and the dogs push past you and shake mud and debris all along your walls and nice clean carpets?
Then why ask a question you apparently already know the answer too? Also why in the world would you get huskies, living in hawaii? Are you going to let them stay in the house all day to protect them from the heat?How do you keep YOUR dog clean after walks?
i usually use wet wipes if my dog gets dirty at all or a little wet rag. i give my dog a bath about every week or 2, too many baths will dry out dogs skin and make them itch. for fleas use frontline, it works so well! you apply it once a month for three months and then they're good for the year.
I would spary your backyard for fleas to insure that there wont be any for a while. Do this regularly!!! No you dont have to wash the puppies daily but if you know there dirty definately. but i would wash them once every month!!!
well, when my dog goes to the dog park, he gets a quick rub down with a dry towel before coming in the house. This gets any loose dirt off him.
Otherwise, He gets a bath about once a month. Bathing a dog too often can result in dry itchy skin.
Since you are getting a longer haired dog, keep grooming brushes on hand, and each day, give them a quick brush. This will help keep down shedding, plus be a great bonding time for you and your pups.
Talk to your vet about flea and tick prevention.
I just have a case of babywhipes next to the door. That way if their paws are muddy then I can just whipe them down real quickly.
As for bathing them everyday. I don't suggest doing that because their skin can become irritated from over bathing. I would bath them once a month or so.
As for fleas, just use any kind of preventative like Advantage, frontline, or any other kind that you apply monthly. You just apply a tube of the medicine to their back in between their shoulder blades. It lasts a month, and yes they can come inside of the house. It soaks into their skin so you don't have to worry about it getting all over.
Before you get the dogs I highly suggest doing research on the breed. It always helps to know what to expect and what kind of characteristics are common with that breed.
I hope this helps!
Good luck with you new pups.
Oh man, not every day! With a Siberian Husky, you will find that hard because they're big, and feisty. With my dogs, I don't clean them unless they get dirty. I mean, if they didn't get diry, then why give them a bath? and Dogs are different than people in the personal cleanliness area..they clean themselves. You don't have much to worry about. If your dog DOES get diry though, clean them with a wet towell or give 'em a bath.
I just answered a question about huskies a few seconds ago. Look it up cause if you are a clean person, u might want to rethink husky. You'll be vaccuuming 10 times a day. As far as fleas go, Frontline or Advantage or K9Advantix, which u can get all of these from your vet. We never bath ours unless he goes into salt water(ocean) or gets muddy. They are a handful. They NEED obedience school right off the bat and need to know who the boss is.. They love to run and run and run so no off leash unless u r fenced in. I dunno about 2 huskies with a 2 year old. I wouldn't. Have u ever owned a dog b4? Cause huskies are DEFINITELY NOT for first time dog owners. Do your research b4 u do anything for your, your kids and your future dogs sake.
Hey I could lie to ya and tell u just what u want to hear but I thought u wanted the TRUTH! You'll see.
Jeeze Louise.
If you are so clean that you would ever consider giving your husky more than one bath a week for normal maintenance, you don't need a dog at all.
you can try buying dry shampoo. All you need is a towel to wipe the shampoo off. dont give your dog baths every day or even every other day. If you over wash your dog, it will affect their coat. It could become dry because you are constantly washing away the natural oils the skin produces. oh and watch out for those huskies, they can really case a rukus at home when your not their.
Clean, healthy, groomed dogs rarely get fleas. Those leave-on flea drops are highly poisonous and cause cancer with prolonged use. If you live in an area where fleas are prevalent, use the drops only 1-2 times per year during the summer- as soon as the weather warms up, and maybe once more if you must in the middle of summer. NEVER ever use them every single month, and never use them in the winter when the weather is below 40 degrees at all times; fleas cannot survive those temperatures. There are sprays that contain Neem and Tea Tree Oils which repel fleas naturally; those are my preferred method of flea control. Spray them on before any long outdoor time.
I have a 7lb long haired dog (Papillon) who is mostly white, including his legs and belly. We spend a lot of time at dog parks and outside. Typically, any dirt he picks up on a day to day basis gets wiped off with a towel or brushed out after it dries. Huskies have short hair on their legs, so using a soft bristle brush (like a boar bristle) should easily remove most dirt and debris; a wet towel can remove muddier messes. If you're very worried, you could set up a hose and/or plastic wading pool by the door so you can put the dog in the tub, hose off it's legs/belly, towel it dry, and let it inside after any extended outdoor messiness. A full bath shouldn't be necessary too often; but as long as you use a quality dog shampoo, you CAN bathe any time you want- my dog gets a bath every 5-7 days, and he has perfect skin and beautiful hair.
EDIT: Why do you people have this delusion that vets are saints? Have you heard of a product called Accutane? It's a human acne pill that can cause heart failure, liver failure, stroke, death, etc. But doctors will still prescribe it to humans to cure pimples. You think a vet would refuse to prescribe/sell something for an animal that does one thing, but has awful side effects? Of course not! They're getting paid! And when your dog gets cancer, they'll get paid to treat that too! You people need to wake up and smell the friggin' coffee already.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Brushing! If you give your dog a brush every day it should keep them fairly clean. It also keeps there hair nice and healthy!
You want to bath them as little as possible. If you bath your dog too often they can develope skin problems which can be very costly!
Inbetween baths you can wipe them down with a damp cloth, brush them, and even get dog conditioner or perfume to keep them smelling fresh!!
To prevent Flees i give my dog one tablet every month - Sentinal Spectrum. It also covers the diferent types of intestinal worm and heart worm.
bathe them whenever you find it neccessary. On average people who own dogs give them a bath once every couple of weeks. As for fleas you can use a flea collar or give them medicine in a pet store that will kill them and keep them off... thats usually not a big deal unless you live on acreage in warm weather.... which you shouldn't be if you are getting huskys.
I think if you want to own inside dogs you've got to be prepared for a bit of mess!! I recently bought a beagle pup and he's an inside/outside dog who's constantly dragging random objects through the house, including poo he's stood in, grass roots, sticks, bugs and dirt among other lovely things. You'll have to be prepared to up your cleaning schedule 10 fold.
Wiping them over with a towel should be sufficient - I wouldn't wash them everyday, that could cause their skin to dry out. I aim to wash my dog once a week, but it usually ends up being twice a week because he's a little adventurer who loves to dig around the garden!!
Just curious though, do you have a back yard where your dogs will be able to run around in?? Although big dogs do fine kept inside the house, I would make sure they still had plenty of room outside to play, especially big working dogs like Huskies. You would be risking obiesity and destructive behaviour if your dogs will be couped up inside all day (even if they are walked all the time). If you don't have a back yard I would consider getting two smaller dogs, and wait until you've got more space before you get the Huskies.
As for fleas, I'm a big fan of Advocate - it takes care of fleas, most worms, including heartworm, lice and mites. You just apply a little tube of the stuff on the back of the dogs neck and that's it - very easy and there's no fussing around trying to get them to take a tablet. There are many others similar to this on the market though. Senital Spectrum is another good one, just a little more costly.
I use K9 Advantix or Frontline for flea prevention as I live in an area where they are a huge problem! I usually just wipe my dogs down after spritzing them with a little 1:10 or so mix of Listerine and water - lightly spritz it on and then wipe them down - this helps clean them pretty good and doesn't dry or harm the coat, or it hasn't in the last several decades of using it :) My dogs are short coated though so not sure how much of it you would use on the Huskies but I would think just a light spritz and wipe down would do just fine for them as well. Mine are used to having it done before I let them in. I rarely give my dogs a bath as it does tend to dry their coat - and their coats are in good enough condition to be shown and get their championship so doesn't do too bad :)
I wouldn't recommend getting two pups at the same time and most responsible, knowledgeable breeders will not place a pup in the home with another pup as it really is unfair to the pups. They each need their time to be THE pup of the household and given you are obviously not terribly well verse in the care and training of dogs to begin with, it will be hard for you to properly care for and train one pup much less two. I know, you likely feel you can but unfortunately, I have heard that same song for decades and then it was followed by the song about 'help my puppies are ... ' and then the continued problems and eventual need to get rid of one or both because they were too much for the novice owner to deal with.
Hopefully the breeder you are looking into getting a puppy from isn't just an ignorant back yard greeder or mill and they will discuss this with you long and hard - like I said, I don't really know a good breeder who would do it - I wouldn't.
add: Keeping a dog clean does NOT prevent fleas from jumping on the dog - that is a crock -- have used drops for fleas for almost thirty years and never had it cause cancer. People want to believe what they want to believe. If you don't want to use the drops then by all means, spray the yard every two weeks, fog the house every couple of months and use dip on the dogs. My dogs are shown regularly and kept extremely clean but that doesn't prevent fleas as they are not a parasite borne of 'filth' but of convenience. Often times they are spread throughout neighborhoods by cats and other dogs. While tea tree oil has its uses, it is not at all effective against fleas. I guess if you live in an area that there really isn't a flea problem then it is fine but in warm, humid areas with little in the way of a freezing winter, they proliferate. Your breeder will/should be an excellent source of information for you though, if you are purchasing from a knowledgeable, responsible one.
I would wait before I got dogs with a 2 year old. The dogs you want have alot of hair. High maintance care. Truth, you can't KEEP them clean with out cleaning them after they go out.
I have three dogs and usually dirty paws are the only problem we have. When the ground is wet they tend to track in mud/dirt and that can get annoying but I just ignore it in the mud room and sweet/vacuum the rest of the house as necessary. I used to be a neat freak until I got my first dog and then I gave up!
You could keep towels by the back door so you can wipe their paws when they come in and add a few mats in that area, maybe gate it off so that if they are very dirty they can hang out there for a few minutes. On most dogs usually once dirt dries it falls off pretty quickly, a quick wiping of paws and running the brush through their coat will get them clean again. You can also buy no-rinse shampoos (they come in fresh smelling spray on liquids and dry powders) to clean them up a bit and make them smell nice.
As far as walks, since our walks are basically on sidewalks they don't get dirty at all...maybe just wet paws if it is wet outside, but beyond that not any dirtier than shoes might get on a walk down a sidewalk.
I bathe one of my dogs 2-3 times a month because he's a Therapy Dog and he needs to be clean for visits--he's also the furriest and sucks up the most dirt. Our other dog gets bathed once every 4-6 weeks or if she is particularly dirty. I wash them in our bathtub with a hose attachment that hooks up to the shower head. I might also give them a ';hygiene bath'; if they get stinky in the booty...I get them in the tub and then wet down their backside, and using a damp, soapy cloth scrub them down and remove any clingons with a papertowel, maybe soap them up again and then rinse. Dogs should NOT get bathed daily because it strips important oils from their skin and can give them dandruff and make them itch and overall isn't very healthy for their skin or coat.
Your 2 year old should really be just fine. Unless they are rolling in their own poop or have stepped in poop they're not gonna get her any more dirty than a child would get from playing outside on their own. Dogs don't roll in their own poop anyway so not an issue. And if you clean up the backyard daily or every other day you won't have problems of doggies stepping in their own poop--that only happens when you don't clean up and there is so much they can't help but do it accidentally.
I have to warn you though...if you get TWO pups be prepared for double cleaning duty. It's not easy to wrangle TWO pups if you are super clean! Just imagine to wiggly, heavy, pups trying to come in the back door at the same time and one you might catch while the other with his muddy paws keeps going and tracks a lovely dirty trail all the way through the house. It's very likely. Different once your dogs are trained and stop nicely when they come in and sit and wait for you to wipe their paws...but young pups are...well...young PUPS and ya gotta be ready for occasional chaos :-) Also the whole potty training thing is harder when you have two. As long as you don't mind cleaning up SOME accidents and watching TWO dogs run around ... you'll be fine.
But if you have ANY doubts at all...get just ONE...get it potty trained and on a schedule and get it started in obedience so it listens to you at least when it is at home and when that is taken care of THEN consider getting a second pup playmate. They don't have to be the exact same age to get along splendidly.
To prevent fleas I use Frontline Plus. It is a topical liquid you apply to a strip on their backs and once it dries you don't have to worry about touching them there. I usually apply it to my dogs before they go to bed so I don't have to worry about them wrestling and mouthing each other on their backs. I've also heard good things about a new flea preventative called Vectra (I thinl that is the name). Frontline Plus kills fleas and eggs and also prevents ticks from attaching.
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