Tuesday, November 16, 2010

For dog owners that enjoy having a CLEAN, odor-free home that actually owned by you and not your dog! ?

Iv'e always wondered this..

With my dog, when he's clean (as in just had a bath) he comes inside and stays inside, until he gets dirty again (like when going out to play). As soon as he gets dirty, he stays outside in the back yard. I would love to have my dog (american bulldog, very short hair) inside with me all of the time, but they smell and bring dirt into the house! This isn't ok as its our house, not the dogs, us humans dominate the canine species! lol.

SO, how do you manage to allow your dogs to ';be dogs'; and run and play in the backyard and then come inside? He isn't allowed on the sofa. I have seen people who's dogs play outside and run through their crap and then come inside and track dirt through the house and smell, and LAY ON THE SOFA! Omg that's so unsanitary.

For dog owners that enjoy having a CLEAN, odor-free home that actually owned by you and not your dog! ?
I am dealing with trying to keep my home clean too. However I would never consider keeping my dogs outside. I have a dog door and they are free to go as they please. I live in Florida and the 2 very large 70 and 105 pound dogs get a lot of dirt in the home.

I sweep twice a day, I clean the yard of waste daily, I bath them 2-3 times a month. I'm getting a sprinkler system and putting sod down so my yard is less of a dust bowl. I'm using anti-shed shampoo. My furniture is leather so the sand and hair doesn't get embedded. Yes, it's a lot but dogs are a lot of work. They are not a goldfish or a cat. As far as I am concerned my dogs would die to protect me and deserve a comfortable life.For dog owners that enjoy having a CLEAN, odor-free home that actually owned by you and not your dog! ?
Well.. You know what.. All I have to say is that if you didn't like the smell or the the dirt, you should have gotten a freaking cat. Cause newsflash.. Dogs can be dirty and yes they do smell more often than not, it's not something new, and he shouldn't be thrown outside for being a dog.

By the way.. It is your dogs house too. It's his home. It was the day you brought him into it. He's not some visitor. So don't sit there and say it's not, cause as much as I detest the way you think about dogs, he would probably die to protect you and that home.
I have blankets and sheets on the sofa and wash them regularly.Easy!
I don't approve of dogs on the sofa, but then I have only owned large dogs and it is an alpha thing to me. However, I don't understand why you dogs smell that much. my GSD plays outside every day and never smells bad. Dirt can be swept up, it is not that important
Well, humans shed skin cells, sweat, and other bodily fluids on a daily basis. That is also ';unsanitary';.

That being said, your house, your dog, your rules. Here's a thought though - either do not allow him to get dirty, or give him a bath when he does. Where is he allowed that he is getting dirty? Do you let him roll in mud? What? If you don't like it, stop it!

How do I manage? The backyard is grassed. Where we go for walks is either grassed or paved. And when he gets dirty, he gets a bath, even if it is just to quickly rinse off his paws. Simple!

I have let him play in mud before - I have a picture of him from paws to belly *covered* in mud. He had a great time, then had a bath. Never tracked anything in the house.
why the hell did you get a dog at the first place if youre gonna keep on complaining about how dogs be dogs?

dogs are really like that.
Between bath time, which for my dog it is every two weeks because of her breed, I do a number of things to ensure that she is clean to come inside. When ever she comes in I wipe her paws, ears, inside of her legs and belly with a damp towel. Then I use doggie perfume which she gets put on everyday and makes her smell good. Its about 4-6 dollars per 6 oz bottle but it works.
When I chose to be a dog owner I also accepted to be not so fussy about the cleanliness in my home. I have an American cocker with a long coat. Spring and fall are extremely dirty where I live. When my dog gets muddy I simply take him straight to my shower and hose him down (too cold outside). I also got him a jacket this year that will protect his front legs and stomach, I'll just have to deal with the back legs. My dog is allowed on one love seat on which I keep a blanket at all time.

You have to be realistic, a home with a dog will smell dog. Nothing wrong with that.
Grassy back yard scooped regularly, so no mud- no crap- problem solved. short haired dogs who don't pick up ';stuff'; on long coats helps too

tell me do you have kids? who play in backyards %26amp; carry half of it in? put their feet on the sofa?
try bathing your dog more often...but my pug never gets that dirty...maybe you should check if your yard is muddy, and if it is, don't let him out. or take him for a jog everyday, so that he won't be a bundle of energy when he is inside your house. also, exercise is good for you!!so it would be like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone, right? anyways, good luck!!!
My dog has her own armchair and its covered in tarpaulin, and we hoover every day or two so that our house doesn't smell. She's not allowed on the bed or on the sofa, and when we've just come in from a muddy walk she isn't allowed in the main house till her feet are dry.

Is your dog - with very short hair - warm enough outside in the winter? I think its kind of cruel to allow them inside sometimes and then outside other times, he can't understand why.
Only one dog and you are having this bad of a conniption? If you can't keep a home clean and smelling nice with only one dog something must be wrong with your housekeeping abilities.

Find a new home for your pet, one that will appreciate him.

You better not get a cat either because then you will have to deal with

the cat box smell and cat hair.

What do you use for cleaning products? If you use concentrated Lysol or Pine Sol those two products will bring out the dog smell. Stay away from them.

Give your dog a bath at least once a month. Take it for walks insted of just letting it out in the yard to roll around. Maybe he is getting bored.
we had dogs while my children wern born and up untill they where 6 or so. Now that they are grown, my daughters and son are both allergic to the dog.

I wish I had been able to get a new dog , now their immune sytems cant handle a dog at all.
I am sorry to say this but what you just said and explained is a sign of pure laziness. Give the dog a bath pick up the s**t in the yard and if its muddy then take the dog for a walk. Most people do not have feces laying around in the yard. If you kept your yard as clean as the house this wouldn't be a problem.

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