Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Best way to teach your dog to retrieve and bring back the ball?

Okay well shes a pomeranian and she loves playing with toys and balls and stuff.....SHe already knows how to chase it but she never brings it back she just runs aways with it....What are some good training metods i could use to teach her to bring it back to me?Best way to teach your dog to retrieve and bring back the ball?
this one's pretty easy, well, for most dogs....it's not 100% guaranteed, though.

get 2 toys. for your dog, i'd get 2 small squeaker toys.

throw the first one and when she gets it start squeaking the second one. when she comes to get the one you have, then tell her to ';drop it'; for the one in her mouth and once she does, praise her and throw the toy in your hand.

then, repeat. eventually, she'll get the hang on coming back to you once she gets the toy.

this is how our puppy trainer taught us to ';fetch';.

take care and HAVE FUN!Best way to teach your dog to retrieve and bring back the ball?
with lots of treats! goodluck
Have her on a long retractable leash trow the ball and let her get it...then call her name and shout exited come on come on and clap your hands a little as you start winding in the leash..guess what? She has to come to you with the ball.

She is stopping her old game and is starting a new one(yours)

Good luck;es
We wish we'd never taught ours to fetch the ball! She even sleeps with it and gets most upset if it gets lost! She refuses to even go on a walk without it. Are you sure you want to teach this trick? Ok, so you want to do it? First, find a ball that's the right size for your dog's mouth. We use a CHUCKIT which is a long plastic thrower which saves our arm muscles and gives her supreme amounts of exercise. Try placing a long extendable leash on your dog and pull her back in when she fetches the ball. Praise her once she releases it so you can throw it again, and again and again.

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