This question is mostly appointed to people with dogs as pets.
Do you have a dog or a cat?
What breed is/are they?
Where do you let it live?
Do you make it live outside your house to spend their entire life tied up?
What do you feed your pets? Table scraps? Dog kibbles? Cat nips?
How do you treat your dog/cat or other pets?
Do you play with your pets?
Do they know any tricks?
Do you groom them and take them to the vet regularly?
Im curious about how filipinos treat their pets.Do you have a pet dog? or cat?
a dog
a japanese spitz
inside our house..she sleeps with me in my bed
no.. and shes never been tied up
dog kibbles
like the youngest member of the family
yes.. mine is a hyper one.. she always love to play
only sit, stay, stand and walk.. those were the only ones i made her do
not a lot.. shes not that too much a hassle for grooming since spitz dont get dirty that much.. and a vet visits us in the house to look at her (the vet is a family friend)Do you have a pet dog? or cat?
i have a cat.
i dont know what breed.
i live in LA CA
his an outside cat. we let him out and he come back whenever he wants to
cat food
we treat our cat like normal pet, and as part of our family
yes, we play with him
i dont know if my cat knows tricks.. hehehe
Sorry. Don't have any cats or dogs, but I do have two adopted guinea pigs named Peanut Butter and Sandwich.
My mom has a seven-month old newly spayed Cavalier King Charles spaniel that I get to have on the weekends. Does that count?
A lioness. See her in my 360/profile.
I used to have one when I lived in Haiti.
To my knowledge, I have NO pets.
If those cats outside my door tell you otherwise, they are absolutely LYING.
I have a cat
it is common breed.we are so attached. i let him go where evr he wants
i have a pet dog until my brother decided it taste good with beer.
Do you have a dog or a cat? ---- 5 dogs
What breed is/are they? --- 1 German shepherd, 1 half labrador- half mongrel, 3 puppies of the half breed, courtesy of the G. shepherd. I know I know it's not good breeding style but wth. They mated and they had the litter. Irresponsible, yes.
Where do you let it live? Loose around the property, except the front lawn, surrounded by a 5 ft fence
Do you make it live outside your house to spend their entire life tied up? My husband ties them up when he has to bring them outside the property to poo and pee twice a day. Yes they are trained to control their bowel and urine movements.
What do you feed your pets? Table scraps? Dog kibbles? Cat nips?----- Dog food in the morning, human food at night.
How do you treat your dog/cat or other pets? ---- lovingly, playfully. We wouldn't have several if we didn't enjoy having them
Do you play with your pets? --- Whoaa, a lot, especially my hubby and son
Do they know any tricks? --- some
Do you groom them and take them to the vet regularly? ---- the local vet comes on appointments
Im curious about how filipinos treat their pets. --- Good and bad people are found all over the world. I hope u agree w/ me.
*White Royal German Shepherd. He's age is two and half year old weighs 100 lbs.
*He lives inside the house with us and have the luxury to come and go whenever he wants. He mostly sleeps on the couch but sometimes sleeps with me on bed if he feels like.
Property is six foot fence surrounded. Pet stays in a climate controlled environment.
*Human food not table scraps. I feed him with Iam's Premium dry food to supplement and keep him in shape and for the nutrients his body needs.
*We play football.
*He's smart on his own.
*He's got all pertinent papers from his vet since he was a puppy and to this present. He gets all his needed shots and medications to keep him healthy, strong and smart.
I personally bathe and groom him including brushing his teeth.
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