I'm bored, lol. I fill the tub with water, and weight a towel to the bottom, so that if Casper decides to prop himself up on the side his hind feet won't slip out from under him (we have bad luck with him slipping and falling and hitting his head). Any way I fill the tub up, throw in some water toys, and some baby shampoo (I prefer the smell better than doggy shampoo, and the price) and make him a nice bubble bath, then I let him swim around for a while until he gets nice and soaked. Then I scrub him well, and clip his toenails, so that they go down the drain, and I don't have to pick them up off the carpet. Then I brush his beard, to get any loose debris out, such as food. And rinse well. Then I drain the tub, put conditioner on him, leave him to play with his toys, while I get the hairdryer and combs and such. Rinse him again, squgee him off, wrap him in his towel, and go about drying him and combing/trimming him. Then while I make his little hairbow I let him have a treat, put his bow in, spray on some cologne, and by I'm all done with that, he's ready for his nap. How do you go about bathing your dog? Also, what scents do you like? I really like oatmeal, lavender, vanilla, coconut and mango. Although not all at once, lol.How do you bathe your dog?
right.. my two big mutts require a hose and scrub brush...i think they'd hate me if i gave them a bubble bath...lol it would have to be a hot tub!How do you bathe your dog?
I either use the hose outside during the summer, a cup to rinse him with in the tub, or I use the detachable shower head. I never fill the tub up (waste of water), and it takes me no more than 10 minutes. I only use dog shampoo.
we always give our 3 month old labrador retriver mix with a cocker spainel a bath in the bath tub and then if it is warm out we dry her off with rags and then let her sit on the deck and sun dry! :D
ok firrstly i dont give them a bath...dosnt even clean them....if you wash them then all the dirty water goes into the bath and then he just sits in it and ets all the dirty water on him agian...
so i give my dog a shower...but in the bathtub lol.. then i use poodle shampooo (smells nice) then i rinse him and get the hair dryer ...very random question and i cant beleive im actually ansswering this..haha ok ya
I usually chase my dog around my backyard with a hose. She hates water so its sorta mean but it gets her a little cleaner. Once she is wet i use dog shampoo and then repeat the hose chasing part.
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